The Secrets of the Hebrew Alphabet - ebook
The study of the inner meanings of words and the creative power of the letters is the heart of the Jewish esoteric tradition, the Kabbalah. The Jewish Oral Tradition teaches that the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet are vessels that channel God’s powerful spiritual energy for creating the world.
The study of the inner meanings of words and the creative power of the letters is the heart of the Jewish esoteric tradition, the Kabbalah. The Jewish Oral Tradition teaches that the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet are vessels that channel God’s powerful spiritual energy for creating the world. In other words, God created the world with the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, which were pronounced within 10 statements, in order to create all of existence: time, space, light, stars: “Let there be light, and there was light… ; Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters… ; Let there be lights in the firmament…” These letters are the “bricks” of creation that translate Divine will into reality. However, the creation process did not only occur in the past. God is continually creating and thereby intimately involved with the world every moment.
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- Anno di pubblicazione presso le Edizioni Amrita:
- 2016 - ebook
- epub, kindle: 9788897951421epdf: 9788897951469
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