A collection of short essays from 17 very well-known authors who have a solid scientific background or renown within their ancestral traditions. What they have in common is that each one, within their discipline, is aiming to use water’s molecular structure and memory to improve our world.
A collection of short essays from 17 very well-known authors who have a solid scientific background or renown within their ancestral traditions. What they have in common is that each one, within their discipline, is aiming to use water’s molecular structure and memory to improve our world. This book is connected to a worldwide movement which is going to organize at least four significant worldwide events during 2015 and 2016. The essayists themselves are part of this movement and readers can join too. They will experiment, for instance, with using intention to lower the radioactivity level of Fukushima’s water. It is a very young movement but one that has already generated much interest.
Water for Unity Project has won the prestigious Emoto Peace Prize. Please, click here to read the acceptance speech of project creators R. Carone and F. Tuzzi, and to watch some pictures captured during the prizegiving.
Konstantin Korotkov
Il prof. Korotkov è l’ideatore del dispositivo bioelettrografico GDV (“Gas Discharge Visualization”), che cattura e misura i campi energetici attorno a persone e altri esseri viventi. Opera a San Pietroburgo ma è attivo in tutto il mondo con seminari e conferenze. Il suo nome compare spesso accanto a quelli di scienziati di rilevanza mondiale come Roger Nelson, Lynne McTaggart e Masaru Emoto, uniti nell’indagine rigorosamente scientifica sull’energia, la sua plasmabilità, la sua misurabilità e la sua interazione con la materia.Alcuni libri dello stesso autore:
Alcuni libri della stessa categoria:
- Altri argomenti
- Benessere e medicina complementare
- Culture, tradizioni e comunità
- Gli esseri umani
- Malesseri e malattie
- Mondi sottili
- Spiritualità
- Tecniche
A - C
- AA.VV.
- Abravanel, Daniela
- Anderson, Reed
- Anyen Rinpoche
- Apps, Judy
- Archie Fire Lame Deer
- Austermann, Alfred R. e Bettina
- Autori - 30 anni Amrita
- Bacall, Patricia
- Baer-Brown, Leslie
- Barraux, Roland
- Berthoud, Françoise
- Bhakti Tirtha Swami
- Biffani, Marco e Iannello, Alfredo
- Boissier, Valeria
- Bonafé, Fabio
- Boni, Cesare
- Boni, Kiki
- Borg Marcus, Moore Thomas e Powelson Mark
- Bourbeau, Lise
- Bourret, Mireille
- Brown, Fran
- Buckstone, Simon
- Buffarini, Domenico
- Caddy, Eileen
- Caffin, Michèle
- Campanella, Kicca
- Canestrari Franco e Cariaggi Nerio
- Carey, Ken
- Carini Daniela, Camilletti Fabrizio e Amelio Vito
- Carone, Rodolfo e Tuzzi, Francesca
- Carson, David
- Carter, Les
- Cattinelli, Stefano
- Cattinelli, Stefano e Muggia, Daniela
- Childre, Doc
- Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche e Dr. R.Shlim, David
- Christy, Martha M.
- Chun-Tung Shi e Evans, Chris
- Clifford, Frank C.
- Columbro, Marco
- Coquet, Michel
- Cori, Patricia
- Cornu, Philippe
- Costa, Emilia
- Creighton, James L.
- Cristofanilli, Gianna
- Croteau Marie-Johanne
D - G
- D'Antoni Enzo e Mainardi Erika
- D'Orlando, Alessandro
- Dal Negro, Alberto
- Dal Negro, Alberto e Fusaro, Silvia
- Dalai Lama - Tenzing Gyatzo XIV
- Dalla Torre, Mario
- Dart John, Riegert Ray e Crossnan John Dominic
- David, Yannick
- Davies, Stephanie
- Day, Jennifer
- De Michelis, Loredana
- Degl'Innocenti Andrea, Tarozzi Daniel
- Delfante, Gabriella
- Delog Dawa Drolma
- Di Luzio, Silvia
- Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
- Dobbs, Horace
- Doc Childre, Howard Martin, Deborah Rozman, Rollin McCraty
- Donelli, Davide
- Dransart, Philippe
- Drouot, Patrick
- Dudjom Rinpoche
- Dufour, Daniel
- Earl Platts, David
- Ekman, Paul
- Erdoes, Richard
- Fabre, Jean-Charles
- Facchin, Matteo
- Farrachi, Armand
- Feild, Reshad T.
- Fernance, Robyn
- Ferraris, Guido
- Flèche, Christian
- Flèche, Christian e Olivier, Franck
- Fragasso, Alberto
- Franklin, Eric
- Freeman, padre Laurence
- Fumagalli, Samantha e Gandini, Flavio
- Fun-Chang
- Gauthier, Yves
- Giacomini, Alberto
- Giaimi, Diego
- Giaimi, Givaudan e Vismara
- Givaudan, Anne
- Goi, James Jr.
- Goldman Jonathan e Andi
- Goswami Kriyananda
- Gould, Elizabeth
- Gratton, Nicole
- Greenfiel Trevor
- Greer, Steven M.
- Grosjean, Nelly
H - M
- Haich, Elisabeth
- Hamilton, Elizabeth
- Hampton, Brenda
- Harricharan, John
- Harrington, Anne e Zajonc, Arthur (a cura di)
- Harvey, André
- Hassnain, Fida M.
- Haussaire-Niquet, Chantal
- Hawe, Celia
- Helminski, Kabir Edmund
- Henson, Reid
- Hervais, Catherine
- Hodel, Brian
- Icke, David
- Il manoscritto di Alessandria
- Iotti, Matteo
- Jenkins, Elizabeth B.
- Johfra
- Jon Kabat-Zinn, Clifford Saron et Al.
- Jon Kabat-Zinn, Sogyal Rinpoche, Clifford Saron et Al.
- Jones, Kenneth
- Karma Cho Dron
- Karma Cho Dron
- Khan, Alexander
- King, Serge Kahili
- Korotkov, Konstantin
- Kumarasingham, Reena
- Kyabje Kalu Rinpoche
- Labonté, Marie Lise
- Laitman, Michael
- Lalla Claudio
- Lama Guendune Rinpoche
- Lama Jigmela Rinpoche
- Lama Mipham
- Lama Ole Nydahl
- Lamberto, Cristina
- Lampis, Rinaldo
- Laroche, Michel
- Larocque, Maurice
- Laura, Piero
- Lebrun, Maguy
- Lemay, François
- Leonard, Jim
- Liekens, Paul
- Loffreda, Sonia e Visi, Giuseppe
- Longaker, Christine
- Magaña, Sergio Ocelocoyotl
- Maitreyi Amma et. al.
- Maman, Fabien
- Mambretti Giorgio
- Mannes Elena
- Marangoni, Antonella
- Marquier, Annie
- Masaru Emoto, Vandana Shiva, et Al.
- Masaru Emoto, Vandana Shiva, K. Korotkov et Al.
- Mattews, John
- Matthews-Simonton, Stephanie
- Meadows, Kenneth
- Medicine Grizzlybear Lake
- Meurois, Daniel
- Meurois, Daniel e Croteau Marie-Johanne
- Michie, David
- Miller, Philip
- Millman, Dan
- Montain, Bernard
- Morley, Charlie
- Muggia, Daniela
- Mullin, Glenn H.
- Murray, Muz (Ramana Baba)
N - R
- Nahmad, Claire
- Nambudripad, Devi S.
- Notovich, Nicolas
- Nybo, Sebastian
- Nyoshul Khenpo & Lama Surya Das
- Olivier, Franck
- Origgi, Antonio
- Owen, Bob
- Pacifici, Alessandra
- Pagliaro, Gioacchino M.
- Palatnik, Lori e Burg, Bob
- Pallavidino, Paolo
- Paramahansa Yogananda
- Parisen, Maria
- Parker e Lambert
- Parry, Danaan
- Paschero, Marisa
- Pellegrino-Estrich, Robert
- Pellerano, Fabio
- Penor Rinpoche e Pesso, Tana
- Pepe, Silvia
- Pepper, John
- Perkins, John
- Phillips, Michael
- Phillips, Rick
- Piquet, Emmanuelle
- Pistono, Matteo
- Prime, Petia
- Rainville, Claudia
- Rankin, Dominique e Tardif, Marie-Josée
- Renard, Léon
- Rhein, Bob
- Ricard, Matthieu
- Ricard, Matthieu e Ferraris, Guido
- Ricard, Matthieu e Thuan, Trinh Xuan
- Rizzato, Matteo
- Rizzato, Matteo e Donelli, Davide
- Robert, Richard-Lorenzo
- Roerich, Nicholas
- Ros, Pierfrancesco
- Ross, A.C. (Ehanamani)
- Rozman, Deborah
S - Z
- Sabourin, Vincent
- Sacchi, Marco
- Saint-Pierre Lanctôt, Ghislaine
- Salomé, Jacques
- Sams Jamie e Carson David
- Sanchez, Victor
- Santi, Sarah
- Saraydarian, Torkom
- Satish Kumar
- Schnetzler, Jean-Pierre
- Schuitemaker, Lisette
- Sciuto, Astrid
- Séraphin, Jean
- Shivam Rachana
- Shivam Rachana
- Siebert, Al
- Simonton, Carl
- Simonton, Stephanie Matthews
- Sinesio, Fernando
- Singh, Suzy
- SMA s.r.l.
- Smith, C. Michael
- Sogyal Rinpoche
- Soosalu, Grant e Oka, Marvin
- Stone, Hal e Sidra
- Strelecky, John P.
- Tardioli, Anna
- Tardy, Martine
- Tarozzi Daniel
- Tarozzi, Giancarlo
- Taylor, Terry Lynn
- TerHeun, Sabrina
- Testi, Stefano
- Thibodeau, David S.
- Thouin, Lise
- Tomlinson, Andy
- Toschi, Silvia
- Trinh Xuan Thuan
- Vaillancourt, Guylaine
- Vaillancourt, Guylaine
- Van Lommel, Pim
- van Renterghem, Tony
- Viello, Beppe
- Vincenot, Henry
- Vincent, Philippe
- Vismara, Marta
- Wabun Wind, Marlise
- Wallace, B. Alan
- Wallace, B. Alan & Hodel, Brian
- Waring, Philippa
- Warstone, Robert
- Webster, Richard
- Wester Anderson, Joan
- Wülfing, Sulamith
- Yesudian, Selvarajan
- Zeyen, Tigo