ADHD is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and children diagnosed with it are often subjected to heavy and risky therapies based on psychopharmacological drugs. What if there were another, non-invasive, way to help them?
ADHD is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and children diagnosed with it are often subjected to heavy and risky therapies based on psychopharmacological drugs. What if there were another, non-invasive, way to help them?
The innovation of the approach presented in this book is threefold:
1) it takes into account the new paradigm introduced by the evolution of quantum physics (we can have more information if we are in a suitable state to grasp it, and at the same time we can communicate the state of great peace that we can train ourselves to attain);
2) it introduces the concept of the collective “mandala of suffering”;
3) it inserts into the well-oiled mechanism of self perpetuated suffering a transformative element that brings the procedure to a halt, without worrying too much whether the new element is introduced through the child, the parents, the teachers, or the therapist or the carer.
The inspiration comes from the method ECEL®, Empathic Care at the End of Life, which derives from the marriage of Tibetan thanatology and neuroscience. It is based on a state of great empathy that characterises both the child and the dying person, and that the carer can learn to achieve.
Audio interviews on The Impact of Empathy
Total Health Magazine, April, 2015 (page 22)
Total Health Magazine, March, 2015 (page 22)
Total Health Magazine, Feb 2015 (page 16)
Elephant Journal Article January 2, 2015
Total Health Online, October 2014 - Article by Daniela Muggia
Total Health Online, October 2014 - Book Review
Cover Total Health Online, October 2014 - headliner
Heal Myself Article Page 1 - October 2014
Heal Myself Article Page 2 - October 2014
Also Ric Bratton, Blue Funk Radio, This Week in America, Fort Wayne, Indiana (click on #21)
Daniela Muggia lecturing on:
Daniela Muggia
Premio Terzani 2008 per l’umanizzazione della medicina, allieva diretta di Sogyal Rinpoche e Cesare Boni, ha messo a punto in più di 20 anni di esperienza il Metodo di Accompagnamento Empatico della Fine della Vita (ECEL), un metodo di accompagnamento dei malati terminali, umani e animali, dei curanti e delle persone in lutto, che applica da trent’anni e che è diventato materia di molti master universitari.
Perfezionatasi in tanatologia all’Università Federico II di Napoli, ha esplorato in lungo e in largo il tema della morte con maestri spirituali di moltissime tradizioni. Fra queste, in particolare, il buddhismo tibetano, detentore di una vastissima scienza della morte e del morire.
Sito Web:
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Alcuni libri dello stesso autore:
- Altri argomenti
- Benessere e medicina complementare
- Culture, tradizioni e comunità
- Gli esseri umani
- Malesseri e malattie
- Mondi sottili
- Spiritualità
- Tecniche
A - C
- AA.VV.
- Abravanel, Daniela
- Anderson, Reed
- Anyen Rinpoche
- Apps, Judy
- Archie Fire Lame Deer
- Austermann, Alfred R. e Bettina
- Autori - 30 anni Amrita
- Bacall, Patricia
- Baer-Brown, Leslie
- Barraux, Roland
- Berthoud, Françoise
- Bhakti Tirtha Swami
- Biffani, Marco e Iannello, Alfredo
- Bizzarri, Michele
- Boissier, Valeria
- Bonafé, Fabio
- Boni, Cesare
- Boni, Kiki
- Borg Marcus, Moore Thomas e Powelson Mark
- Bourbeau, Lise
- Bourret, Mireille
- Brown, Fran
- Buckstone, Simon
- Buffarini, Domenico
- Caddy, Eileen
- Caffin, Michèle
- Campanella, Kicca
- Canestrari Franco e Cariaggi Nerio
- Carey, Ken
- Carini Daniela, Camilletti Fabrizio e Amelio Vito
- Carone, Rodolfo e Tuzzi, Francesca
- Carson, David
- Carter, Les
- Cattinelli, Stefano
- Cattinelli, Stefano e Muggia, Daniela
- Childre, Doc
- Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche e Dr. R.Shlim, David
- Christy, Martha M.
- Chun-Tung Shi e Evans, Chris
- Clifford, Frank C.
- Columbro, Marco
- Coquet, Michel
- Cori, Patricia
- Cornu, Philippe
- Costa, Emilia
- Creighton, James L.
- Cristofanilli, Gianna
- Croteau Marie-Johanne
D - G
- D'Antoni Enzo e Mainardi Erika
- D'Orlando, Alessandro
- Dal Negro, Alberto
- Dal Negro, Alberto e Fusaro, Silvia
- Dalai Lama - Tenzing Gyatzo XIV
- Dalla Torre, Mario
- Dart John, Riegert Ray e Crossnan John Dominic
- David, Yannick
- Davies, Stephanie
- Day, Jennifer
- De Michelis, Loredana
- Degl'Innocenti Andrea, Tarozzi Daniel
- Delfante, Gabriella
- Delog Dawa Drolma
- Di Luzio, Silvia
- Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
- Dobbs, Horace
- Doc Childre, Howard Martin, Deborah Rozman, Rollin McCraty
- Donelli, Davide
- Dransart, Philippe
- Drouot, Patrick
- Dudjom Rinpoche
- Dufour, Daniel
- Earl Platts, David
- Ekman, Paul
- Erdoes, Richard
- Fabre, Jean-Charles
- Facchin, Matteo
- Farrachi, Armand
- Feild, Reshad T.
- Fernance, Robyn
- Ferraris, Guido
- Flèche, Christian
- Flèche, Christian e Olivier, Franck
- Fragasso, Alberto
- Franklin, Eric
- Freeman, padre Laurence
- Fumagalli, Samantha e Gandini, Flavio
- Fun-Chang
- Gauthier, Yves
- Giacomini, Alberto
- Giaimi, Diego
- Giaimi, Givaudan e Vismara
- Givaudan, Anne
- Goi, James Jr.
- Goldman Jonathan e Andi
- Goswami Kriyananda
- Gould, Elizabeth
- Gratton, Nicole
- Greenfiel Trevor
- Greer, Steven M.
- Grosjean, Nelly
H - M
- Haich, Elisabeth
- Hamilton, Elizabeth
- Hampton, Brenda
- Harricharan, John
- Harrington, Anne e Zajonc, Arthur (a cura di)
- Harvey, André
- Hassnain, Fida M.
- Haussaire-Niquet, Chantal
- Hawe, Celia
- Helminski, Kabir Edmund
- Henson, Reid
- Hervais, Catherine
- Hodel, Brian
- Icke, David
- Il manoscritto di Alessandria
- Iotti, Matteo
- Jenkins, Elizabeth B.
- Johfra
- Jon Kabat-Zinn, Clifford Saron et Al.
- Jon Kabat-Zinn, Sogyal Rinpoche, Clifford Saron et Al.
- Jones, Kenneth
- Karma Cho Dron
- Karma Cho Dron
- Khan, Alexander
- King, Serge Kahili
- Korotkov, Konstantin
- Kumarasingham, Reena
- Kyabje Kalu Rinpoche
- Labonté, Marie Lise
- Laitman, Michael
- Lalla Claudio
- Lama Guendune Rinpoche
- Lama Jigmela Rinpoche
- Lama Mipham
- Lama Ole Nydahl
- Lamberto, Cristina
- Lampis, Rinaldo
- Laroche, Michel
- Larocque, Maurice
- Laura, Piero
- Lebrun, Maguy
- Lemay, François
- Leonard, Jim
- Liekens, Paul
- Loffreda, Sonia e Visi, Giuseppe
- Longaker, Christine
- Magaña, Sergio Ocelocoyotl
- Maitreyi Amma et. al.
- Maman, Fabien
- Mambretti Giorgio
- Mannes Elena
- Marangoni, Antonella
- Marquier, Annie
- Masaru Emoto, Vandana Shiva, et Al.
- Masaru Emoto, Vandana Shiva, K. Korotkov et Al.
- Mattews, John
- Matthews-Simonton, Stephanie
- Meadows, Kenneth
- Medicine Grizzlybear Lake
- Meurois, Daniel
- Meurois, Daniel e Croteau Marie-Johanne
- Michie, David
- Miller, Philip
- Millman, Dan
- Montain, Bernard
- Morley, Charlie
- Muggia, Daniela
- Mullin, Glenn H.
- Murray, Muz (Ramana Baba)
N - R
- Nahmad, Claire
- Nambudripad, Devi S.
- Notovich, Nicolas
- Nybo, Sebastian
- Nyoshul Khenpo & Lama Surya Das
- Olivier, Franck
- Origgi, Antonio
- Owen, Bob
- Pacifici, Alessandra
- Pagliaro, Gioacchino M.
- Palatnik, Lori e Burg, Bob
- Pallavidino, Paolo
- Paramahansa Yogananda
- Parisen, Maria
- Parker e Lambert
- Parry, Danaan
- Paschero, Marisa
- Pellegrino-Estrich, Robert
- Pellerano, Fabio
- Penor Rinpoche e Pesso, Tana
- Pepe, Silvia
- Pepper, John
- Perkins, John
- Phillips, Michael
- Phillips, Rick
- Piquet, Emmanuelle
- Pistono, Matteo
- Prime, Petia
- Rainville, Claudia
- Rankin, Dominique e Tardif, Marie-Josée
- Renard, Léon
- Rhein, Bob
- Ricard, Matthieu
- Ricard, Matthieu e Ferraris, Guido
- Ricard, Matthieu e Thuan, Trinh Xuan
- Rizzato, Matteo
- Rizzato, Matteo e Donelli, Davide
- Robert, Richard-Lorenzo
- Roerich, Nicholas
- Ros, Pierfrancesco
- Ross, A.C. (Ehanamani)
- Rozman, Deborah
S - Z
- Sabourin, Vincent
- Sacchi, Marco
- Saint-Pierre Lanctôt, Ghislaine
- Salomé, Jacques
- Sams Jamie e Carson David
- Sanchez, Victor
- Santi, Sarah
- Saraydarian, Torkom
- Satish Kumar
- Schnetzler, Jean-Pierre
- Schuitemaker, Lisette
- Sciuto, Astrid
- Séraphin, Jean
- Shivam Rachana
- Shivam Rachana
- Siebert, Al
- Simonton, Carl
- Simonton, Stephanie Matthews
- Sinesio, Fernando
- Singh, Suzy
- SMA s.r.l.
- Smith, C. Michael
- Sogyal Rinpoche
- Soosalu, Grant e Oka, Marvin
- Stone, Hal e Sidra
- Strelecky, John P.
- Tardioli, Anna
- Tardy, Martine
- Tarozzi Daniel
- Tarozzi, Giancarlo
- Taylor, Terry Lynn
- TerHeun, Sabrina
- Testi, Stefano
- Thibodeau, David S.
- Thouin, Lise
- Tomlinson, Andy
- Toschi, Silvia
- Trinh Xuan Thuan
- Vaillancourt, Guylaine
- Vaillancourt, Guylaine
- Van Lommel, Pim
- van Renterghem, Tony
- Viello, Beppe
- Vincenot, Henry
- Vincent, Philippe
- Vismara, Marta
- Wabun Wind, Marlise
- Wallace, B. Alan
- Wallace, B. Alan & Hodel, Brian
- Waring, Philippa
- Warstone, Robert
- Webster, Richard
- Wester Anderson, Joan
- Wülfing, Sulamith
- Yesudian, Selvarajan
- Zeyen, Tigo